
This is a speciality which deals with obesity and metabolic diseases.

Obesity is a disease and not just only overweight.

How do we know that someone is overweight or obese? we measure BMI . BMI means BODY  MASS INDEX.

BMI is measured by taking body weight in KG which is divided by the height in Meter Squired.if some one is 100kg and height is 1.7 meter then the BMI= 100/(1.7)²= 34.6 kg/sq.meter. Normal BMI ranges from 18.5 to 23.5 and above that is overweight and obesity.

What are the bad effects of Obesity ?

If some one is obese and remains untreated , he will soon develop one or more of the following. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Hyperlipidemia, Faty Liver, Heart Disease, and many more.


Causes of Obesity

Some people increase their weight even with a diet which is taken by another member of the family who remains in normal weight. Common causes of obesity are as follows, Intake of high calori diet ,sedentary life style, Genetic, Some diseases whatever may be the cause the effect is dangerous

How to Treat

Initially one should consult a Doctor to rule out any underlying cause of obesity. If no cause found the patient will be referred to Dietician and a Psychologist. One has to be disciplined to achieve good results. if some one decrease wight but can not maintain or he can not loose weight at all will reqiure surgical treatment.

Fortunately now minimally invasive surgery in the form of Laparoscopy is available and patients recover quickly in 2 to 3 days time. Like other surgery it has also complications but the  benefit is more than the risk.

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